Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Planning my Magazine Cover

1. What is the focus of your magazine? What topics or range of topics do you intend to cover with the stories?
Hunter/jumper horses and riding, interesting/amazing stories, tips, how-to, people and business features

2. Describe your typical reader. 
Hunter/jumper riders, English riders, horse lovers, 12-20, mostly rural, some urban, any gender

3. What is the title of your magazine? Why?
 High Standards. It is related to both hunters and jumpers(Standards are part of a jump).

4. What personality would you like your publication to have? What design elements will you use to try to create that personality? What type face would be best for your magazine? Why?
Bright and fun, creative, but organized- not to chaotic, bold and fun types, to catch people's attention.

5. Is there a cover or cover that you would like to use as the model for your magazine cover? Which cover do you think would be the best one for you to emulate? Which elements of the cover would you keep? Why would you keep them? Which ones would you change? How would you change them?
I really love the Young Rider covers- they are bright and bold. However, they do target a younger audience, so I would make it a bit more professional-looking, with less different colors and better photo choices.

6. Of the four types of covers--image based, illustration based, type based or concept based—which one do you think is the best fit for your magazine? Why?
Image-based, because it's about physical people and animals, and it will be easier to see what it is about and to understand.

7. What will you first cover story be? How will your present this topic visually on the cover? What visual elements (photograph(s), graphic(s) or illustration(s) will you need to complete the design?
Hunters or jumpers? (what should you do?) A hunter or jumper horse & rider.

1 comment:

  1. 100 Very clear vision for the mag and the first cover.
